Feb 3, 2010

KUDL inspiration

I know, I know, I already blogged today. I can't have anything that crucial to blog at the moment. Except if I don't capitalize on this creative energy now, it will be a thought lost in my mind, and you will never know it. Convincing, right? Eh...I know. Bear with me.

I have a job. As a part of that job, I wash dishes. A lot of dishes for hours on end some days. I have time doing dishes to think about things, while the radio plays in the background. Today's station: 98.1 KUDL...continuous soft rock. Playing all things Gloria Estefan, Celine Dion, David Archuleta, and Colbie Caillat. Great, right?

It is so terrible it is wonderful...anything helps doing hours of dishes.

That is, until this song comes on.

I am not sure any man gives me the creeps more than this man. Well, Jack Nicholson and some choice regulars at work come close, but seriously M.N., do not talk about lips and hips and drowning you in love. It freaks me out, and you gross me out. Stop it now.

Thankfully, immediately following the aforementioned song came the song of all songs. One of my dreams in life is to be able to sing this just like Kelly. Oh K.C., how you soothe my soul.

Then Delilah comes on. And in comes a call for a request:

D: "Tell me about this special someone."

W: "My husband is amazing...etc."

D: "What song can we play for him?"

W: "I don't know the name of it, but it talks about being someone's hero. I cry EVERY time I hear it."

And so, with this I end my 8.5 hour work shift. Ah, sweet goodbyes.


  1. Okay, Come On is a freaking catchy song. But that music video... aaaawkward.
    ps i love you.

  2. that is the most ridiculous video...hahaha goodness gracious. What is that hat that he's wearing?! oh, enrique. como me robas el corazon.
